I only used the # in this effort, but I am planning to do something with the @ sign for another campaign effort. I have to collect the addresses I want to reach first.
I keep my focus on the powers of GOD and try to find His purpose in not providing the funds I need. I sometimes think my 40+ year effort to create resources for the poor, which became Working Together, has been a challenge to the power of GOD. I can feel the spiritual battles sometimes. I don't understand how I can battle, so I just keep plodding along
I have heard that the greater your struggle is, the greater a threat you are to the work of Satan. We are facing a lot of prophecies about the End Times. It seems like these changes are happening so fast, it is hard to understand a path through them.
Most secular hearts and minds are filled with a degree of hatred toward GOD, especially if the Bible stands in their way. They don't care about what is right, honest, good, kind, fair, loving, and other things that make our lives faithful to GOD... so they do wrong things to innocent people, to Christians and their families. People who hate GOD just want their own agenda to be the top dog, the winner, the ruling party. In seeking to win at any cost, they violate the rights of others...but never see the problem in doing that.
I think they choose Christians because they want to see if GOD is going to do anything...
- will He stop them?
- will lightning bolts hit them?
- will good or evil win the battle?
This is something many of us go through. We can't see GOD, so how can we see what He is doing about our needs and lives? He doesn't do our bidding as fast as we want, , and we want our individual situation taken care of pronto! It is a challenge to our faith, anyone's faith. We don't have evidence of GOD like the Bible characters did... parting rivers, manna, stopped time, talking donkeys, the ark of the covenant, fires that never go out, etc... we pray to an invisible GOD and hope that He will grant our request.
I guess I will keep on trying, and wait for GOD to provide. Compared to a business or a ministry, I don't fit anywhere...what I am trying to do hasn't been done before...and all I have is my faith. :-) I use to say "GOD and one is a majority," and believed it more heartily. The years (maybe my health more than the years) have been hard. I see their purpose when I see success, but without the ability to see Working Together get established, it all seems pointless. I can't decide which Bible story I am most like....
I hope you will go to my fiverr.com/work2gather shop and buy a gig from me to help my cause... or to my work2gather.etsy.com shop. Read some of my early posts, look at the programs I want to create at my website :: http://work2gather.us and some of the materials I have already tried to create.
And pray for me that I will live long enough to get this organized and running.