UPDATES!!! -- Working on my email posting! 28 March 2020

I hope you are reading this...

I recently discovered the ability to make a post by way of emails, so I am working on how it happens, what I can do, what I can't, and if I want to do this more often.

It has been a long haul...  I am going through all my online duties and responsibilities this year because of #My2020PatreonChallenge.  There is a lot to learn, a lot to do.  Working Together is always my primary prayer, but Patreon is my retirement effort.  I am also posting tiers there with Working Together Projects.  Right now, I am trying to raise funds for INMATE NEWS, the prison newspaper that I think will help everyone ::  inmates, their families and friends, plus the organizations that work with them.  I hope the effort will make our prison systems much better in time.

Lot's of details left unsaid about that.  It would be a great thing for our country and then the rest of the world... they have prisons, too.

Part of my organizing process is trying to find a way to share the details of all the separate programs I list at my website.  (http://work2gather.us)  I have to find out how to change the http into https.  I'm working on getting a separate website for my personal selling goals, which are currently focused on etsy.com/shop/work2gather  and  ebay.com/usr/work2gather --- both are in the building up stage.  

I am going to try posting this way to my other blogs for Working Together, too.  It may be a good solution for now, but I will be checking the process as I go and deciding on that.  Images are not available to this choice, as far as I can tell.

Let's see how this works out...
Until next time,

Deborah Martin

and more   :-)

NOTE ::   I posted and then went back to edit the BOLD and links.
I will get this figured out !!  

2020 is filled with HUGE goals... 
The most important one being the quest to find ONE MILLION $5 supporters for my PATREON page! 
Sign up as soon as possible... lets see how fast we can reach this goal.
On the way, I will be learning how to "spread the word" online and sharing what I discover in my posts. 
Join me in this challenge.

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