15 OCT 2014 :: Updates and ongoing issues

Here I am again, early! For me, that is. I'm considering doing an update at night and scheduling it for the morning...seems like old news, but I may try it.

Still having issues with fiverr...trying to find the easiest way to overcome them -- now and in the future.

I really don't want to give up on the site because I like the $5 format...I think it is a great idea. I once decided that $5 would be a reasonable amount that people would be willing to risk for purchasing something unknown, for donating to strangers, etc. I had it as my trial price for WT membership at one time.

I have been considering going back to that promotion price. It wasn't a standard membership, it only allowed some of the benefits I planned for Working Together. At the time, it allowed a quarterly newsletter to be mailed, and a discount on some of the products offered. I think $10 would be the lowest it could go this time, but I would prefer to find a $25 commitment.

Maybe I can figure something out by the end of November. I have wanted to focus on a yearly Membership Drive every DECEMBER and JANUARY. The problem is I just have never had enough money to survive myself, which makes it impossible to promote Working Together anywhere except online. I am already overdue on the one Christian newspaper I did make a commitment to (http://cnnw.com)

The full membership (75 USD/year) allows each member an internal credit, discounts on certain Working Together products and services, WT News by email, a Member Packet with samples of what we offer, and priority access to [future] events. Membership is for individuals only, and Christian applicants are required to sign our Statement of Faith. All other individuals would be registered under the Public heading. Lifetime memberships are available for $5,000 to US mailing addresses (US$7500 to all other mailing destinations).

It has been so long since I have been able to update my site and focus on WT products and programs, I had to check my store page again!  I should note here that I used the 10% tax rate through PayPal as a flexible fee to cover online expenses, especially for the larger items. At the time I listed them, it was the only way to separate the fees from the actual Membership prices and I was told the money didn't automatically go to a tax fund.  I am hoping to change my ordering options as soon as I can.

I advocate for the deletion of all taxes except a 10% sales tax. It would solve so many problems for everyone, the government included. If you have read my previous writings, you will know that I think 1% should be allocated to international governing issues, then the remaining 9% divided equally to Federal, State, and County governments (3% each). This process would force the government to budget, not allow an endlessly increasing tax base, lessen the government costs associated with income and property tax, keep people from losing their homes to tax issues, allow partnerships between the three branches for large projects, and (MOST IMPORTANT) keep the relationship between citizen and government at a reasonable level.

I better get going. I can write forever!  :-)

Keep checking my fiverr.com/work2gather store, and the fiverr.com/workingtogether site if you can, and my etsy.com/shop/work2gather location. I will be doing my best to create more listings as the days go by. Don't forget my Facebook page under Deborah Martin (I don't know how it is linked to places yet) [*** added below after posted]  and Twitter @work2gather --- I'm trying to figure out how to increase my Facebook people, and Twitter and Pinterest people.  :-)  Social media is such a challenge!

If you want to help Working Together, purchase memberships or gift certificates. I don't know how I can fully recover from losing my PO Box, but the sooner the better. Any help, financially, is greatly appreciated.

Pray that GOD's power will be evident in the saving and protection of those who love Him. Help me to start the process of building safe havens/places of refuge for the End Time decline. Thanks.

[*** This is my Facebook link, I think. There seem to be a LOT of Deborah Martin's.  :-) ]