I have been working on my spaces to get things done... and being busy with several things... things that are on the "to do" list, but that keep getting passed up for other important activities.
My FB page had a post I was shocked to find... a photo of two babies that were killed by a saline abortion... their skin blackened by the burning effects of salt on an unborn child. I hadn't seen photos like that since the 60's or 70's...I'm not sure when, I don't keep track of the pro-life movement as a historian. In those days there were lots of photos of what happens to a child in an abortion. Activist pro-lifers would find the remains of abortions in the trash cans of abortion clinics. The pro-choice/pro-abortion movement reacted by installing large garbage disposals in their facilities.
In the recent past, the knowledge of what happens in an abortion blended with my concern about the oceans as water is extracted for drinking. If they keep putting the salt back into the ocean, won't it get even more unbalanced and burn/kill all the life in the ocean?
I didn't realize salt was so harmful. I heard that Salt Lake has so much salt that you float and can't sink even if you want to. So how much is too much? I don't think there is anything alive in Salt Lake.

Samaritan's Purse has a great sticker for Operation Christmas Child, the shoebox gift program they operate. I use it all year on as many mailed envelopes as I can so awareness is shared all year. You can share a shoebox gift all year, not just at Christmas. They deliver all year to far off places, and always need donations to cover the costs of the program. You can even buy your shoebox online. I haven't seen how it's done, but I have seen that the option is available. I like to purchase the toys and other contents myself, but some like to do everything online.
I like the idea of using stickers as a seal for envelopes. It's marketing and an extra form of envelope security...to a point. :-) I am also going to get my Working Together logo made into a sticker for the same reasons. (The sample below is a maybe version... I have a thinner cross version that came before this one, which I may like better.... I am still praying about it. :-)

Another election year is near... stickers might be a great and inexpensive tool for sharing all our opinions.