for THURSDAY, 28 MAY 2015 :: Friday update.

I could have entered a post last night, but I let it go and decided to catch up today.  I hope it wasn't a problem for anyone.  I don't think many people are reading my work (yet...  :-), which can make it hard to keep up the effort, but I am committed to building a blog presence for the issues that matter to me, to Working Together, and to the future.  I learn more every day, and hope that my efforts will become worthy of a larger audience in time.

What was I doing?     I was up in the wee hours, left early for my senior center activities - including my first Bible study there, the noon meal, and my housing class.  It turns our the Bible study is my first and last...they break for the summer.  We'll see what life is like in September.  

Later, I decided to go to Walmart for my computer and household needs.  I wanted to save the cost of another bus pass.  It was a bit much for me, but I made it. 

After I rested, I decided to spend time trying to catch up with my recordkeeping.  I got challenged by my budget and didn't look at the clock until around 11:30 pm.

It is amazing how easily a task you expect to be easy becomes an hours-long event.  I have been reading article titles about the same issue in social media activities...checking Facebook, Twitter, etc.

My goals are evolving.

I have been working on the foods I want to eat, menu preparations, portion controls, food prep, affordability, storage, and a lot of things you don't realize affect your diet.  Eating at the senior meal is healthy, and affordable.  I have a shopping cart for the bus, now, so I can shop better than I was able to in the past.  I am trying to build up my exercise levels.  I am hoping these things will improve my body, my activities, and my goals.

I don't know how my health goals are going in the medical field.  Prescriptions haven't been a big part of my life, but they seem to be increasing.  I don't like to take medications unless absolutely necessary, and as little as possible.  I don't understand the changing medicines my changing doctors have me on, I don't like the problems that I am dealing with in my body, and I am trying to find a path to changing that.  I feel like I am ready to fall into the grave, but some medical comments are that I will live a long time.  This issue is still in progress.  :-|  Senior healthcare is becoming a reality to me...along with personal decisions about how much care I want to get involved in.

It is time for me to rest again... both because my body is requiring it and because the Sabbath rest is near.  I hope your weekend is filled with good things, that you will pray for those who are suffering, and that we will share time again next Monday.

In Christ,