Tuesday, 8 SEP 2015 :: Coupons and Sales

Today I have been busy with sorting through my goals and making lists of all the things I have been trying to get to.  It is a better idea to go through your goal lists at least once a month and have some kind of smaller lists for each day and week.  My "office" has been a mess and I am just beginning to get back into my routines to keep me on track.  :-) 

I created another file for one of my writings called "One Body" - which is about the church being a group of saved souls and not a building, with another FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP offer at the end of it.  I still have to proofread it, sort through the details and the formatting, and then upload it with a listing or two, but I decided to make an end page for more information about Working Together and an offer of some kind.

This is what I came up with for my special offer ::

Over the years I have tried so many things it is impossible to remember them all.  I think a mail-in offer for three months will be enough for right now.  It will provide a sampling of WT NEWS and include one of my planned NEW MEMBER PACKETS with samples of our products and discount savings.  (There will be a similar RENEWAL PACKET for returning members.)

I am still working out the full-year prices and PayPal links to sell online memberships.  I know what I need to charge, but have to figure out the process.  This Trial Membership will help me work out those details.

I was reminded this week of my end-of-year plans to have a Membership Drive in December every year.  I will be heading in that direction for this DECEMBER...  think about joining Working Together as either a CHRISTIAN or PUBLIC MEMBER... possibly as a LIFETIME MEMBER!

I will be posting my writings at Etsy and Fiverr as I get them done.  Here is the first cover page I worked out... (I have been watching the sales listings for designing book covers and hope to develop my own efforts in that direction as I create my PDF booklets.)

I wanted you to see the beginning text for my booklet, which I left on the first page.  My next effort might be CURIOSITY, or ONE SINNER, or REPENTANCE... I don't know yet... I have some big projects and little projects to do, and want to get some listings online as quickly as possible...so all the little ones may be done first.  :-)

See you tomorrow, GOD willing.  May our GOD bless all those who love Him, and help our loved ones to find their way to His heart and heaven.  May GOD provide what we need, and lead us to a better place before the world becomes too harsh to live in.  Amen.