My pounds are creeping back up...this week. I haven't been out and about getting exercise and the scale keeps reminding me. In trying to fit everything in, because I keep an irregular schedule, and because it costs me too much money to go anywhere I don't walk, I tend to stay home until I have to go somewhere, then I try to do everything on that day! Not a good plan, but the only one I have right now.
By next week, I want to decide on some way to get out of the house for exercise so I don't eat too much, and so my weight goes back down. I am on the second month of my Christmas goal to reach 140 pounds by the end of December... with 10 pounds a month the general focus of the effort. To keep on track, I need to go down from the 190 range to the 180 pound level. :-) I'm not heading in the right direction right now.
I suppose my body is doing better than it was. I should be OK to go for a 30 minute walk somewhere... on a bus line, with the option to get home by bus if I need to.
I may try to walk somewhere I need to shop and then ride back.
I don't really know yet.
For so long, I didn't have money for the bus. I think I am still making decisions based on those fumes... and haven't built up my resources enough yet. Fear kills more than the actual threat... and I hate to spend money unless it has a purpose. I don't spend big amounts very often... big to me would be a hundred dollars for something like an exercise bike, storage shelving, tickets to get my mail, workspace furniture, a small kiln, tools, supplies, my own place to live and work and breathe and grow... the list is long. I try to buy lots of little supplies first. I am trying to save for the big purchases.
I don't think I live close enough to the stores that would provide all the things I want. Mostly, I live by grocery options... or some other food opportunities... like donuts and McDonald's. :-) I might go crazy with junk foods if I leave here. --- Not really. I want to go have my favorite donut once a month. I want to go to McDonald's in the morning to read the local paper... but how often... I haven't decided.
For now, I think I will focus on my son's exercise machine... and work up my stamina.